The Camp Progression
With so many programs to choose from it can be difficult to know what is best for your camper. This can be particularly challenging for the camper who wants to be on staff one day. There is no right way to go through your camp experience. We encourage every camper to do what feels right! Below we provide a guide that can help you to plan your camp future.

Family Camp
Ages: 0-100+Overnight
A Family Camp experience at Camp Olson is a fantastic opportunity for families to spend time together in the beautiful Northwoods. Future campers can get a feel for overnight camp with family by their side and try out all camp has to offer plus meet some of the super cool counselors!
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Day Camp
Ages: 5-11Day
Experience camp without having to spend the night. Participate in all the activities camp has to offer, learn new skills, make friends with your group of peers and caring counselors!
Day camp runs from 9am to 4pm.
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Ages: 7-10Overnight
Voyageur Short Week Camp is great for those young campers who want to give sleep-away camp a try but aren’t ready for a full week.
Experience camp on your own! Sleep in cabins with up to 9 other girls your same age, and grow your confidence and independence!
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Ages: 8-9Overnight
Pathfinders will spend their week with up to 9 cabinmates and their two counselors who lead them in all daily activates, like horseback riding, crafts, swimming, evening games, and a cookout!
It gives a camper the full camp experience while providing extra supervision to ensure their comfort.
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Ages: 9-15Overnight
Discovery Camp offers Camp Olson’s traditional camping at it’s finest through new friendships, independence, and exploration of the outdoors with a one night overnight in the Shurds.
Mornings are spent with their cabin group and are structured to include all of the fine activities Camp Olson has to offer. During the afternoon, campers are given the freedom to choose their own activity.
When your camper is ready you can always add additional weeks of discovery or specialty camp.
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Discovery Canoe Camp
Ages: 12-14Overnight
Traditional & Outbound Trip
Love Discovery Camp but are looking for a new adventure? This program is structured just like Discovery Camp with one exception. Instead of having your overnight in the Shurds, campers will travel down the Boy River and camp away from camp for the night. This program is a great first step for campers hoping to join the LIT program in future summers.
Just like Discovery Camp, campers spend the morning with their cabins and have free choice in the afternoons.
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Specialty Camp
Ages: 11-16Overnight
Horseback Riding*
Mountain Biking
Campers spend 3 hours each morning at their specialty area to go more in depth with our activities and gain skills for a lifelong hobby. Afternoons are free choice for more time at their favorite program area or to try others!
*Beginner Horseback Riding also available for ages 9 11
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Leader-in-Training I
Ages: 13-15Overnight
Leadership & Outbound Trip
This program is catered
to the older camper
who seeks to get a little
more from their Camp
Olson experience.
Through hands on
training, group
initiatives, and a 4 day
canoe trip to
Voyageur’s National
Park, the Camp Olson
LITI program focuses on
cooperation, self
discovery, and
leadership skills.
Campers will take part
in our Leadership
Curriculum but also
have opportunities to
have fun at different
program areas.
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Leader-in-Training II
Leadership & Outbound Trip
Similar to our LIT I, LIT II sessions are more trip
based including an 8 day
outbound canoe trip in the
Boundary Waters Canoe
Area exploring countless
lakes and the serene
beauty.Campers will spend their first few days planning and preparing both mentally and physically for their adventure. Along the way, they will gain experience and training in Leadership, Leave No Trace camping, cooperation, and wilderness survival.
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Leader-in-Training III
Ages: 14-16Overnight
Leadership & Outbound Trip
The strongest of our LIT campers will be invited to participate in our LIT III program. These
campers will spend a
minimal amount of time
in camp to bond and
prepare as a group
before departing on a 9
day backpacking trip to
the beautiful and
remote: Isle Royale.
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Ages: 15-17Overnight
Specialty & Leadership
The Wrangler-in-Training & Sailor-in-Training
Programs take on 1
3 campers each
session for extensive
training with our
wonderful Corral &
Boathouse staff. They will
acquire the skills
and knowledge it
takes to work at the
Camp Olson Corral
or Boathouse and
beyond. Previous
experience required.
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Leadership & Outbound Trip
The CIT program is a 3
or 4 week program
designed to train and
practice the great
responsibilities that
come with being a
GREAT camp leader.
Our CIT program is unique. We take pride in knowing we send home young adults with leadership skills that they can implement outside the day to day of summer camp. We give your child the opportunity and the knowledge to independently work towards self set goals, finding their leadership style and working with diverse groups of people. At Camp Olson we build leaders who apply their leadership in their own lives, schools and communities.
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Camp Staff
Ages:17+4-10 Weeks
Assistant Counselor, Counselor, Program Staff, Support Staff, Program Director, Leadership Team, Volunteer
You’ve got to make your summer count, and working at Camp Olson is one of the most life impacting jobs in the world! Not only will you make a difference in youths’ lives, but you’ll also develop critical personal and professional skills that will be assets in your future career:Communication
Problem Solving
Decision Making
Taking Initiative
Conflict Resolution
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