
2025 Applications Now Open

We hire staff for many different positions each summer. Salary is commensurate with position, experience, and skills and includes room and board. We also offer certification courses such as First Aid, CPR, and Lifeguarding. Camp Olson Staff members are selected because they care. They know how to be responsible while having fun. We encourage you to begin applying for summer positions by November before the summer you hope to work.

If you have any questions about working for Camp Olson YMCA or the application process, feel free to contact our Camp Director by email (demi@campolson.org) or message via WhatsApp.

Camp Olson YMCA salaries are based on responsibility, experience, and certifications. The charts below are used to determine weekly salaries for staff and your weekly pay may change throughout the summer, depending on your position. For example a 3rd year counselor (who was an AC their first summer) who works the whole summer could make $440/wk = $370 (Base Rate) + $25 (Returner) + $20 (Years of Service x 2) + $25 (6+ Weeks). The primary Camp Olson season is 8 weeks of Youth Camp, and 2 weeks of Family Camp. Staff Training occurs prior to the primary season and is mandatory.

Note: International staff salaries may vary from the grid below, as we have to deduct program fees for VISA sponsors.

Counseling & Programming Base Pay

PositionACCounselor/Program StaffLevel 1
Program Director
Level 2
Program Director
Level 3 Program DirectorLeadership SupportSenior Leadership
Base Rate$340/wk$370/wk$390/wk$415/wk$430-525/wk$450/wk$515/wk
RolesAssistant CounselorCounselor, LDP Leader, Boathouse Staff, Corral Staff, Outpost Staff*, Art Center Asst., Trading Post Manager, FloaterBikes Director, Boathouse Asst., Archery Director, Riflery Director, Head Lifeguard, Nature Director, Fishing Director, Overnight Director, Outbound Trips Director, Art Center Director,
Activities Director
Boathouse Director,
Waterfront Director, Corral Asst. Director
Corral DirectorSOS CoordinatorCounselor Coordinator, Program Director, LDP Coordinator, Unit Leader
Eligible BonusesLifeguard, CPR/FA, Staff ReferralLDP Leader, Lifeguard, CPR/FA/WFA, Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, 6+ Weeks, Staff ReferralLifeguard, CPR/FA, Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, 6+ Weeks, Staff ReferralLifeguard, CPR/FA, Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, 6+ Weeks, Staff ReferralCPR/FA, Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, 6+ Weeks, Staff ReferralLifeguard, CPR/FA, Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, Staff ReferralCPR/FA, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, Staff Referral

Support Staff Base Pay

PositionHealthcare/AdminMaintenanceFood Service
Base Rate$390/wk$380/wk$390/wk$450/wk$420/wk$475/wk$10-16k/season
RolesMedia & Marketing SpecialistNursing AssistantMaintenance AssistantLead Maintenance AssistantFood Service AssistantFood Service Shift LeadFood Service Director
Eligible BonusesCPR/FA/Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, Staff ReferralLifeguard, CPR/FA/Equity Mentor, 21+, Years of Service, Returner, Staff ReferralReturner, 6+ Weeks, DEI Mentor, Staff ReferralReturner, 6+ Weeks, DEI Mentor, Staff ReferralReturner, 6+ Weeks, DEI Mentor, Staff ReferralReturner, 6+ Weeks, DEI Mentor, Staff ReferralN/A


Years of Service$10/wk/years workedStaff will receive $10/week for each year of service (employed for at least 4 weeks per season).
Returner$25/weekStaff who are returning to the same position (held for at least 4 weeks in a prior summer) are eligible for this bonus in addition to their years of service bonus.
If you have never worked at Camp Olson, we will evaluate equivalent youth development and program experience to determine your bonus eligibility.
Lifeguard$10/wkStaff are only eligible for LG Bonus if their position may include direct supervision of campers in the water.
CPR/First Aid$10/wk
Wilderness First Aid$20/wkOnly applicable for the weeks you lead a trip
Note: If Camp Olson YMCA provides or pays for job-related training, staff doesn’t receive equivalent certification bonus. Proof of certification is required.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Mentor$10-40/wkMentor Positions may include: First-Year Staff Mentor, LGBTQ+ Mentor, People of Global Majority (BIPOC) Mentor, and People with Differing Abilities & Neurodiverse Mentor. DEI Mentors are expected to work majority of the summer and will be paid out at the end of summer.
LDP LeaderLITI – $15/week, LITII – $20/week, LITIII $25/week, CIT -$30/weekLDP Leaders will receive the follow bonus for their weeks as leaders. This could be in addition to the Years of Service, Returner bonus.
21+$10/wkIf you turn 21 during the summer, this bonus will be added at the time you turn 21.
6+ Weeks$25/wkStaff who work 6 or more weeks during the primary camp season and completes their contract will receive a bonus of $25 per week worked. Does not include staff training and is paid out at end of summer.
Family Camp$100Staff who work both weeks of family camp in FULL are eligible.
Staff Referral$100-200/per referral @ end of summerStaff Referrals who are 17-20 years old will be paid out at $100 per referral; Referrals who are 21 or older (by start of session) will be paid out at $200 per referral. Referral must successfully complete their contract of at least 6 weeks. Referral bonus will be paid out at end of summer.
BIPOC Staff Referral$50/per referralStaff who refer a BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color) Candidate and that candidate completes the application/interview process and is offered a job, the referring staff AND the BIPOC Candidate will receive a $50 bonus (regardless of whether or not BIPOC candidate accepts). BIPOC Candidates who accept the job and fulfill their contract will receive an additional $100 bonus paid out at the end of summer. *This can be in addition to our general Staff Referral Bonus.

*unless otherwise noted, all positions are seasonal

Staff Positions

ManagementStarting at $515/wk
Program DirectorFilled
Counselor CoordinatorFilled
Leadership Development Program CoordinatorOpen
Unit LeaderOpen
Leadership SupportStarting at $450/wk
Stayover & Support Coordinator (Requires weekends)Filled
Counseling StaffStarting at $340-370/wk
Assistant Counselor (17 year olds)Open
Leadership Development Program Leader (LIT or CIT)Open
Riding CounselorOpen
Sailing CounselorOpen
Program StaffStarting at $370/wk
Outpost StaffOpen
Corral StaffOpen
Boathouse StaffOpen
Art Center AssistantOpen
Trading Post ManagerOpen
Program Directors
Level 1Starting at $390/wk
Mountain Bikes DirectorOpen
Assistant Boathouse DirectorOpen
Riflery DirectorOpen
Archery DirectorOpen
Head GuardOpen
Nature DirectorOpen
Fishing DirectorOpen
Overnight DirectorOpen
Outbound Trips DirectorOpen
Craftshop DirectorOpen
Activities DirectorOpen
Level 2Starting at $415/wk
Boathouse DirectorOpen
Waterfront DirectorOpen
Assistant Corral DirectorOpen
Level 3Starting at $430-525/wk
Corral DirectorOpen
Support StaffStarting at $380-475/wk
Media & Marketing SpecialistOpen
Nursing AssistantOpen
Lead Maintenance AssistantOpen
Maintenance AssistantOpen
Food Service AssistantOpen
Lead Food Service AssistantOpen
Assistant Food Service ManagerOpen
Food Service Director
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion MentorOpen

If a position is filled we encourage you to apply as we do experience staffing changes.

Internships are also available. Contact demi@campolson.org for more info.